Monday, January 16, 2012

Greek Kale and Rice Bowl Recipe and Kale Nutrition Information

Greek Kale and Rice Bowl

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Delicious Greek-style meal featuring kale that will leave even children begging for more.  This amazing dish has roma tomatoes, tempeh, and instant brown rice simmered in a delicious broth with a splash of lemon juice for added flavor.   I wanted to find new ways to get my kids to eat kale, aside from 'hiding' it in chocolate smoothies.

This recipe was a total HIT with the kiddos and they did not pick around the kale either.  I couldn't believe how simple ingredients could turn into such an amazing creation.  I am grateful that I was able to find yet another recipe to get greens into my sugar loving family!  This has become a new family favorite and will definitely be a go to recipe when I need something quick and healthy.

Why do I want to get more Kale into my family's diet?

Kale is a SUPERFOOD!!!  Packed with nutrients and it contains  as much protein per calorie as Beef!

As they say.....Kale IS the new Beef!  Kale has an amazing nutrition profile!

1 c. Kale

Omega 3's............ 23% daily value
 Vit. A...................1201%
Folate................... 9%
Vit. C....................178%
Vit. K....................1788%


In 1 oz. of Beef

Omega 3's...............1%
Vit. A.......................0
Vit. C.......................0
Vit. K.......................0


Not to mention all of the antioxidants and phytochemicals found in kale!   Here is one way you can get your family to eat kale and actually enjoy it!  



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